Verify that the sample rate selection in your computer's OS is set correctly. Your OS's output settings will determine the color of the LED on the DAC3 -- not the specific file being played.
Articles in this section
- Dac3 General Specifications
- Dac3 General Specifications
- My Sample Rate indicator light on my DAC3 / D1P is staying the same color, regardless of my audio track's sample rate. How do I fix this?
- How do I know if I bought from an authorized and legitimate site?
- How do I know if I bought from an authorized and legitimate site?
- Bluetooth won’t connect on my Mac Computer (2019 or newer). Reset the Bluetooth to determine if that is the issue.
- Bluetooth won’t connect on my Mac Computer (2019 or newer). Reset the Bluetooth to determine if that is the issue.
- What are the QA Stickers?
- Why does the light on the DAC3 light up when first connected to my phone but then turn off?
- What DAC chip does the DAC3 use?